Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Trinity Burdine, Roc Brookins, and the return of Ryan Rossiter and Tommy Gavin

This is my fifth summer at Siena. Every summer the brand spankin new freshman basketball players come to Loudonville sporting their high school apparel. They take a couple courses, become acquainted with a college weight room, and play pick up with their new teammates. Some come in with the deer in headlights look; some do not. Siena's recruiting class is small this year, consisting of only two. It is only July, and I have always been a firm believer that you do not fully know the impact freshman will have on a team until practice begins, sometimes even later. However these two have impressed me enough in the past two weeks for me to give them some free publicity... So for the six followers I have in the blogosphere, and the handfull of others that periodically check out my words, here are some EARLY thoughts on Trinity Burdine and Roc Brookins.... And of course Ryan Rossiters return from mid summer hibernation and Tommy Gavin's return from hell.

Trinity Burdine- 6'6 Wing-
I got a taste of what this kid is all about a month ago. He tagged along with Donyell Marshalls AAU team for the Gym Rat Challenge last month. By tagging along I mean he made it a point to find his way into the weight room to work out on both Saturday and Sunday. I stepped in the weight room to say what's up to him and it felt like hells waiting room in there; point is this kid seems to really want it. The weight room is a good idea for this young pup, he does need added strength like almost all freshman, however on the court he plays stronger than he looks. With a reputation as a long range sniper, Trinity has lived up to that billing; if he is open from three and you're on his team, you can usually start backpeddiling the other way. He has a simple shot from three, a bit of low release, however it is the same shot everytime (mark of a great shooter). One unique thing about Trinitys game is he ALWAYS follows his own shot, which often leads to a easy lay up for him. Unlike many other incoming freshman he has a basketball IQ of a upperclassman and will fit into Siena's dribble and kick offense. Very good at making hard decisive cuts to the rim for lay ups. Defensively he has the potential to be a heck of a defender with his length and basketball IQ. With the work ethic he has shown thus far, I think you can expect him to become a great defender over time.

Roc Brookins- 5"11 Lead Guard-
My first taste of Roc was a bit different then that of his classmate. Like his freshman counterpart, Roc came in willing to work hard in the weight room; the kid was so amped up to get started in the weight room he went into overdrive; by this i mean he drank one to many protein shakes on his first day of lifting, and lets just say he was limited on his first day of college ball. Day 2 for Roc was a different more settling tale.... He dominated pickup that day, showing his ability as a shooter, play maker, and more importantly leader. My theory of not being able to read a freshmans impact on a season until October or November is usually amplified with point guards. Sometimes you just know though... The kids got the look of a killer in his eye when he has played this summer, and has that Philly demeanor that Siena fans have come to love over the past four years with that other guy we used to have (I think his number was 25).

As I have said it is EARLY.... but I think it's safe to say Coach B has two good young ones on his hands right now that will both find time on the floor next year... How much time you ask? Time will tell I suppose... I'm no fortune teller, and I'm certainly not Dick Vitale... Although I met him when I was twelve and he was just as balled then as he is now.

Ryan Rossiter has been on the IR for around a month now. Throughout this month he has spent a lot of time with me on the sidelines, watching pickup and doing something we like to call brown baggin it (Which means in our lingo, two guys just hanging out). Anyways two days ago he played his first pickup game in a month. I think we have found a leader in Ryan. One good way to measure leaders, especially during sloppy unorganized summer pickup games, is if they raise the level of a game. It seemed everyone played better and harder with Ryan on the court. For four games Ryan looked better than ever, exploding to the rim for dunks I've never seen him do, dropping dimes to flashing cutters, and finding open three point shooters. Games five and six Ryans wind caught up to him and he began to look more like... Well a more skilled version of me if I laced them up.... Don't worry though fans, his wind will be back by November.

Rescue Me-Tommy Gavin died, went to pergitory, then went to hell. Then Tommy was revived. DUH! Of course he did, there is two more seasons of Rescue Me left, and there would have been a slew of pissed of fans to deal with if they were to put him six feet under. Any who, Rescue Me is back and seems to be better than ever. This show has everything the American public want in a late night TV show: Drama, and of course anything that is sinful.... Well I watch it on Tuesday nights with my door locked and the fan turned off, so once again if you're of the mature age, give it a whirl.

Hope you enjoyed some Siena basketball material. Have a satisfying fourth of July people. I will be hunting down a burger or two somewhere around the Capital Region.

Check it out: Dexter- I've heard so much about this show and finally I'm getting on my horse and getting into it.... Thus far it has lived up to the hype.